Reed Smith
Vice President
Ardent Health Services
Reed Smith is
a consulting strategist and thought leader focused on the integration of social computing into large organizations. Much of his work focuses on incorporating interactive elements into current online strategies within hospitals and healthcare organizations. Reed’s hospital experience includes time as a hospital marketing director, and overseeing product development for the Texas Hospital Association where he created a social media guide for hospitals, assembling best practices and case studies from organizations across the country, that is now offered by many of the state hospital associations. Prior to healthcare Reed has spent time working in both telecommunications and professional sports.
Reed is the founder & president of the Social Health Institute and THA Digital Marketing. In addition Reed also serves as the Chief Strategist for Gray Digital Group as well a founding advisory board member for both the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network, and the health & wellness track at the SXSW® Interactive festival. Most recently you can find Reed and co-host Chris Boyer hosting Touch•Point a weekly podcast on digital marketing in healthcare.