Welcome to the inaugural e-newsletter from the Forum for Healthcare Strategists! Based on input from Forum members, and with the help of Hailey Sault, we have transitioned Healthcare Strategy Alert from a print publication to an online newsletter.
With this new digital format, we’ll be bringing you more content, more often. Through Alert, we’ll regularly share original articles as well as curated content from other organizations on topics of interest to healthcare marketers, communicators, digital strategists, and physician relations executives—including the latest trends, new research, technological developments, and success strategies. We’ll also be sharing the latest news from the Forum, including updates on conferences, webinars, podcasts, membership, and more.
This inaugural issues focuses on “Communications.” Read on, and let us know what you think! And, if you have a story to share, drop us an email—we’re always looking for articles about innovative marketing, physician relations, communication, digital, and customer experience strategies.

Judy Neiman is President of the Forum for Healthcare Strategists