In this podcast, Don Stanziano, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer at Geisinger, explores next-gen marketing strategies in healthcare.

Navigating the Talent Crisis
In this video interview, Providence’s Alan Shoebridge shares insightful perspectives for healthcare leaders challenged with growing their teams and retaining staff.

Building the Future of Healthcare Marketing Today
In this video interview, Cleveland Clinic’s Paul Matsen brings an optimistic perspective on how to modernize the future of healthcare marketing.

The Value of Field Intelligence in Physician Relations
The pressure is on for health systems to make up for business lost during the pandemic. Examine the opportunities for physician relations teams.

Liaisons and Leadership: PRM Growth Strategy
Physician engagement drives hospital performance and growth. Kriss Barlow shares strategies for moving physician relations forward.

HMPS22: A Preview
The Healthcare Marketing & Physician Strategies Summit takes place May 16-18 in Salt Lake City. Read on for some HMPS22 highlights.